
June 7, 2024

Reflecting on the ITB China Fair and ENIT Workshop in Shanghai (May 2024)

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We are thrilled to extend our deepest gratitude to the over 200 agencies and buyers who took the time to visit our stand at the recent ITB China Fair and ENIT Workshop. Your keen interest in our travel products and services was genuinely heartening, and we are excited about the potential for future collaborations.

Gratitude and Excitement for New Opportunities

In the week following the fair, we have been overwhelmed with messages and requests for collaboration. This positive response has filled us with immense joy and gratitude. We are enthusiastic about the opportunity to build long-term relationships and partnerships with each of you. Your interest and proactive engagement are the first steps towards what we hope will be fruitful and enduring collaborations.

Showcasing Our Classic Itineraries
At the fair, we took the opportunity to showcase some of our most beloved itineraries. These included:

  • Italy in Depth (12 days): A comprehensive exploration of Italy’s rich history, culture, and breathtaking landscapes.
  • Tuscany Tour (8 days): A delightful journey through the heart of Tuscany, featuring its renowned art, cuisine, and picturesque countryside.
  • Southern Italy and Sicily (14 days): An extensive tour that captures the essence of Southern Italy’s charm and the unique allure of Sicily.
  • Shopping Experiences in France and Italy: Exclusive shopping tours that combine the best of European fashion with luxurious travel experiences.

These itineraries represent just a fraction of what we offer. We have an extensive portfolio of unique and fascinating travel products that cater to a wide range of interests and preferences. Whether you are looking for a cultural immersion, a gastronomic adventure, or a bespoke travel experience, we are here to tailor-make itineraries to meet your specific needs and desires.

Expanding Our Presence in the Chinese Market
The positive experience at the ITB China Fair has reaffirmed our commitment to the Chinese market. We recognize the importance of staying connected and accessible to our partners and clients in China. To this end, we are dedicated to maintaining an active presence on WeChat and other popular platforms. Our goal is to ensure that we are readily available to address inquiries, provide support, and develop new business opportunities.

Looking Forward to Future Collaborations
We are genuinely excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. The interest and enthusiasm shown by the agencies and buyers we met have set a strong foundation for future collaborations. We are committed to working closely with you to create unforgettable travel experiences that your clients will cherish.

Once again, thank you for your support and interest. We are eager to embark on this journey together and look forward to building lasting relationships that benefit all parties involved.

Silvia Chen, head of operation for China market


回顾ITB CHINA国际旅游交易会和ENIT意大利国家旅游局会议: 诚挚感谢

我们非常激动地向在最近的中国国际旅游交易会和意大利国家旅游局研讨会上莅临我们Felix Tours展台的200多家机构和买家致以最诚挚的感谢。您们对我们旅游公司,产品和服务的浓厚兴趣让我们感到由衷的欣慰,并且对未来合作充满期待!













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